It’s July 2nd! Have your tenants paid the rent yet? If not, have you delivered an N4 notice yet? If not, WHY NOT? Did you know that once the rent is paid, before the deadline on that N4, the notice becomes void? This means that you can send the N4 as soon as the 2nd of the month when rent is not paid and your tenants can still take a few days to make that payment if times are a little tight after the holidays BUT, if they take too long, the termination date on that N4 will apply and you will be in the best possible position to apply to the board for eviction. With the board currently being overrun with applications, and the resulting delays, it can take up to 90 days to get to your hearing, which could mean more unpaid rent! Don’t delay! Get those N4 notices delivered and set yourself up for success! For help with Notices and Applications, Landlords can give us a call!